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reveal letter sent to the Vatican on


While cases of abuse by Maciel arrived at the Vatican in the 90,
Pope John Paul II did not respond victims. Photo / Special
Mexico .- A letter with evidence collected from the abuse of Father Marcial Maciel was sent to the Vatican by the then archbishop primate of Mexico, Miguel Dario Miranda on August 31, 1956.

The document was addressed to the father Arcadio Larraona, secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Religious, Miranda noted that "in this whole affair did not move anything but a sincere desire to see the spiritual good of the nascent religious congregation but I judge that immediate action is needed in the SC of Religious, to avoid greater problems later.

"The main objections of these claims arising against Father Maciel ... are reduced to three: Sextum offenses against children committed to the congregation; habit of injecting narcotics, which has degenerated into vice difficult to cure, and devious means, especially lying, to achieve the purposes proposed.

Remember that Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, was accused of molesting the 50's at least nine seminarians.

Although the complaint came to the Vatican in the 90's, the Pope John Paul II did not respond to the victims. It was in 2006 that Benedict XVI castigated the priest and ordered him to renounce all public ministry.

According to the newspaper Reforma, the historic letter released by Jose Barba, a victim of Maciel and former priest Alberto AthiƩ than the investigator Fernando M. Gonzalez said that Father Luis Ferreira, vicar of the congregation and the brother Federico Dominguez, who was secretary of Maciel, "driven by concerns of conscience easy to understand proven priests consulted with caution, which taxed the conscience of these people manifest to the competent ecclesiastical authorities what they knew for sure about the life of Father Maciel. Thus appealed first to the bishop of Cuernavaca (then Sergio Mendez Arceo), Diocese to which he belonged Maciel, and then to me, not making accusations but to comply with a duty of conscience. "

then, Miranda called for urgent action, but admitted it was difficult to proceed because" by one hand, Father Maciel has many friends among members of various Roman Congregations (to the extent that at times has said he is aware of issues that are under secret of the Holy Office) and strong support from the Cardinal Micara Excellency. "

Maciel also found out if the accusations "will not be difficult to persuade their religious congregation to declare against their conscience, is something known as the extraordinary power of persuasion that is provided, "the document.

Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, was accused of molesting the 50's at least nine seminarians. The complaint came to the Vatican in the 90's, but then Pope John Paul II did not respond to the victims, but in 2006 Benedict XVI castigated the priest and ordered him to renounce all public ministry.

Another letter which was also referred to a report revealed the father Gregorio Lemercier of the Diocese of Cuernavaca, Prior of the Monastery of the Resurrection, who discloses conversations with former Secretary of Maciel, Father Federico Dominguez and also with the father Luis Ferreira.

The letter advises that Maciel took up to 40 injections of drugs in one day.

Maciel "loses its meaning (apparently) very often. He was in two nursing homes. In Havana, where he immediately managed to get their injections with the help of two of her sisters, all three had to rush out of Cuba because the police realized and walked behind them, "he stated.

The letters arrived at the Vatican in 1959 claimed that Maciel practiced "sodomy" and estimated that at least ten members of the congregation had been victims.

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