Monday, May 16, 2011
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The mentor confronted the president on his arrival at an award ceremony for teachers.
Ma Guadalupe Gonzalez Moctezuma / La Jornada.
Posted: 05/15/2011 19:50
San Luis Potosí, SLP. Gov. Fernando Toranzo Fernández responded with a punch the greeting of one of the dissident teachers who gambled at the entrance of the Teatro de la Paz, where the president would deliver awards to mentors in their Day
led Toranzo Fernández, together with teachers' leaders and educational authorities, the delivery of awards to teachers who reach 25 years of service, however, about 200 protesters to breach commitments that the authorities have contracted with the guild in previous years came to demonstrate at the entrance of the Teatro de la Paz.
Martin Cervantes, one of the dissident teachers, went straight to the governor and greeted him: "Hello, Mr. corruption."
The response was immediate from Fernando Toranzo, who without hesitation gave a punch in the face of dissent. The teacher tried to answer the attack but the president's security staff stopped him taking it hard by the arms. Pushing, screaming and threats continued over several minutes by both players until the same security personnel Toranzo Fernández was carried into the theater, where he conducted the ceremony. -----------
Related articles:
dissident teachers protest against Governor SLP ( Terra ). ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
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Es lo que Hay es un exposición colectiva que abarca múltiples disciplinas; poesía, música, cante, artes plásticas, gastronomía…
La idea es mostrar diferentes visiones creativas de un mismo concepto o idea, en este caso de la expresión, además de ser el título de esta primera muestra, Es lo que Hay !
Con todo ello se pretende agrupar distintos puntos de vista artísticos resulting in one work inspired by the biological principle that the end result is more than the sum of its parts.
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Beatriz VallsSaturday, May 14, 2011
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Thursday, May 12, 2011
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Fragments of the march for peace and dignity on 8 May, for those unable to attend and are also "to the mother" of the current situation of impunity and violence.
".... these people
not intended to be government, but demanding that the government try and protect the lives, liberty, justice and peace of the governed.
Their struggle is not motivated by personal interest.
born from pain of losing someone you want as you want to life.
Governments and politicians say that criticize or disagree with what they are doing is to agree and encourage the criminals.
But he argues that it is on their side and the force of law only makes it to impose their individual reason relying on those strengths and those laws. Laws that only serve to guarantee impunity for relatives and friends.
Be afraid of the word of the people and see in every criticism, doubt, question or complaint an attempt to overthrow, is the stuff of dictators and tyrants.
And ill does command that tells its soldiers and policemen that listening to the good and noble people is a failure, that stopping a massacre is a defeat, than correcting a mistake is giving up, to think and seek better ways to better serve people is to abandon a struggle with shame. Because
listening with humility and care what people say is under a good government ... "" Words of the EZLN
in mobilizing support for the peace march.
------ ---------
Related articles:
Peace March ( link note).
-------------------- -
For this and but it is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
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I am posting an interesting link in my opinion. It is addressed mainly to women who want to learn more about the world of female domination. One of the first sentences are:
"I understand the female domination from a consensus view on both sides ..."
"I decided to write this article to inform all women who are living well female domination exercise and the benefits it has ..."
"From this point I ask every man who is reading this to give this letter to his wife or partner and stop reading immediately, in this paper we will start explain the domination of man and I know it's very tempting to read but could disrupt their training in so earnestly and clearly you want to make this work right? " (I read on, I'm sorry, but I did it to put here)
FemDom Manual (English) :
"A man sees in woman being authoritarian need someone to take control of their lives and decisions and is in the woman a better and more beautiful than him. With the new release of the female sex, men are realizing that women are much higher, whenever we take positions of responsibility and position. In Europe and the United States are becoming more households the woman is the boss, what happens here in Spain we know, we are very macho and everything comes quite late ... "
orders you can give:
That will pluck ...
to wash your teeth.
to stop eating nails and have always clean. Her hair
you as you like (long, short, dreadlocks, locks ...)
will drink alcohol only with your permission.
not tell sexist jokes ever.
not flirt with other girls but if you admire as women are.
Car keys and your wallet will always lead you.
manage their economies and tell him how it should expended every penny.
care of your body as you want.
will be put on a diet.
go to the gym, swimming pool tells you ....( my partner and now as strong as you can not see)
start to use creams for face and body so that your skin will become more
soft and hydrated. Use
wrinkle creams.
will make your tasks as you want.
wear a neck when you are alone.
pirsing There will be a tattoo or if you desire (also serves to mark it as is
yours, ask if you are interested)
will ask permission to go to the bathroom.
The one that you'll drive the car than you are tired.
'll always know where you are and what they do. Controlled
agenda calls and mobile and Internet.
forced to study, read, teach what you want.
using makeup.
girl will dress as you want.
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'Platform artists chilango-Andalusian ( PLATE) de Sevilla, invites:
wild Cabinet, Magazine of poetry live.
Wild Nights have finally returned. In this 2011, the idea is to continue linking our two sister regions, Andalusia and the City of Mexico with multidisciplinary poetic events.
Account different sections, including a superb recital by two poets committed to the art and the art. Made in Mexico City and Seville on a deferred basis, I develop an outreach and linkage between different regions.
At this time in Mexico City have changed the venue and the Cabinet Wild Nights will be held at the Cultural Forum Home Baste while in Seville will be held at local El Perro Andaluz. In Mexico City we will baste Casa Cultural Forum, which is located on Calle Colima 378 Col. Condesa not after 8 pm, and will have the participation of:
Helios Beltrán. Israel Miranda
Tuna Cans Market
Wild In Seville The Cabinet will be held on Thursday May 12 starting at 10 pm, in the Andalusian Dog and have the participation of:
Juan Frau
Winter Goose (Alex Bravo)
Twitter: / bartlefly
Mail contact plate. Facebook: '
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New York .- Felipe Calderon revealed in the United States will send Congress another legal reform initiative to Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), which include the ability to sell company stock.
In an interview with Bloomberg television, a medium designed to inform corporate and financial sector of the United States, the PAN added that the above is considered as an alternative.
"That may be an alternative. As of today we have an alternative called citizen bonds, which are trying to Pemex to enter the market or the capital market. But it is a very careful that we are trying to make very soon, "Calderon said, as translated from English to English Presidency distributed.
Bloomberg, issued a clarification to its own version of the night to point out that "Calderon said his government is not considering selling the state-owned shares."
But he reiterated that "earlier, in an interview, the president said the stock sale to Pemex could be an alternative."
In his second day of U.S. visit, Calderón said, "My plan is to try another legal reform to modernize Pemex in a manner similar to that Petrobras did 10 years ago. "
last night to receive the Champion of the Earth award, Calderón stated that at this time Pemex can not go public and "have to make other changes to the law."
But he said that for now is already authorized to reform the public bonds, which act as Pemex bonds, but the idea is that they can reach all citizens who wish to acquire. -------------
Related articles: Open
IP Pemex raises U.S. Calderón (El Universal .) Again try
Calderón open Pemex to IP, announced in NY ( La Jornada). ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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Monday, May 9, 2011
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* Tens of thousands ready to be heard
Ciro Pérez and Victor Ballinas
Day Monday May 9, 2011.
The approximately 10 thousand protestors who came out yesterday at 8:45 am on the esplanade in University City steering toward the Zocalo, in a few hours became tens of thousands. Over the column headed Javier Sicilia, hundreds of people on both sides of the street were added to the quota, which required no more blood silence.
still think it's possible that touches the heart and that little ounce of goodness in politicians, the military, police and even criminals, to understand once we do not want the country follow as it goes. It seems they do not understand but we will make it clear, ruled Sicily before starting the last stage of its progress.
called even start a civil disobedience, not to pay taxes, go around the Senate and House of Representatives. It should not give up eggs for not paying taxes and do all, to go around the Senate or the House of Representatives until we take heed sentenced.
requested approval of the political reform mandate revocation, blank ballots, and referenda runoff.
had advanced just one mile when other voices were added. At St. Joseph's Attic the march stopped for a moment, and that dozens of people were waiting with white balloons and water bottles. There
community asked the poet in our name will require those traitors who claim to be right, the law and force, that if they will not listen, leave the country they have done so much damage, and never return.
Right there, Jorge Traslosheros, who identified himself as a parent, asked: one of us never crossed his arms with his face hidden, immersed in silence, living dead, dead of fear. Not one more! Sicily had been asked to make the word action and not allow the movement ended with the meeting of the Zocalo.
writer hugged the two speakers, while the community let go dozens of white balloons.
The caravan continued its way until the intersection of Central Axis and Rio Churubusco, where he was high priest Alejandro Solalinde with a contingent of Central American migrants who came from Ixtepec, Oaxaca, with a big blanket in which they expressed: No more kidnappings. No more migrant deaths, and swelled the march, five hours later would add 200 thousand, according to organizers, more than 80 000 as elements of the Secretariat of Public Security of the Federal District.
This was the first point where there was a massive influx of organizations the march. And from that moment on, the Central Axis greeted cheering crowds on both sides of the street. Entire families expressed their solidarity by offering water, sandwiches, cakes, fruit and juices, and then join the rear, which at times reached more than five blocks.
Others, from the balcony, cheered and applauded the passage of the caravan, which was growing more and more.
No more dead. No more violence. By not voting for 2012. 40 000 deaths are enough to change the strategy. South CCH students present. Young people want respect. Because the color of blood is never forgotten. I do not want a legacy of violence. I do not want to kill me son, said some of the thousands of people who exhibited signs along nearly 20 miles.
The amount of troops thereafter was relentless. From residents of Portales to a group of Atenco claiming their right to land, in a silence broken only with the slogan Zapata lives, the struggle continues! Also participating performanceros, which staged killings, kidnappings and violence.
human figures cut out of cardboard that told the story of repression from 1968 to 2010. They talked about political disappearances, abductions, uprisings, and finished off with 40 000 deaths from Calderon's war.
At the same time, reported that in Vancouver, Canada, headed by Mexican youth and Jocelyn Raúl Gatica López García demonstrating outside the Mexican consulate, pasting posters and poems: If not enough blood from more than 40 million Mexicans to reach the heart of Felipe Calderón, " what else is needed? In
Xola a quota even larger than that which preceded it expected to Sicily and hundreds of victims who were with him including parents of dead children in the nursery ABC of Hermosillo, Sonora . There, the marchers took a second break, which was exploited by new quotas, which prolonged the line for 10 blocks.
After a third break, before the statue of Lazaro Cardenas, the march continued until Fine Arts, to initiate the entry of the Zocalo by May 5. Hence the expressions of support were even higher. The Central Shaft was completely full, as well as May 5, street was insufficient for the passage of troops and had to enter Madero.
At 15:47 hours, the first group entered the Zocalo by Madero, and almost an hour after the last contingent arrived at the plate. -------------------
Related articles:
No more deaths, renounce García Luna to the SSP: Sicily ( La Jornada). Outside
Calderón, widespread demands ( La Jornada). They call for resignation
García Luna in peace march ( Video: The Universal ).
Peace March: García Luna should be dismissed ( Victor Hdz / Column SDP). ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
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column I wrote this a month ago. On May 4, 2011 Manuel Espino was confirmed in a debate with Federico Arreola, Felipe Calderón adding that the most that could bring in one survey AMLO in 2006 was still 1% BELOW Peje. When Espino realized what he said, he despaired and lied, said that the sit-fraud reform had "Venezuelans." Espino recalls's lie which said in 2006, when he suggested a plane drug that landed in Campeche, from Venezuela, had something to do with AMLO. The reality was that the pilots of the plane were from the drug CONAGUA. Va:
April 4, 2011. La Jornada published a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, filtered by WikiLeaks, revealing that in 2006 the leader of the PAN, Manuel Espino, told embassy officials that he had pactado una alianza con el PRI, con sus gobernadores y con Roberto Madrazo, para atacar a Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Espino hizo un berrinche en Twitter por esta información y dijo que publicaron algunos “datos falsos.
Un día después, Espino se auto-delató. En una carta que envió a la embajada de EU en México--aunque tuviera funcionarios distintos que los que tenía George W Bush-- admitió lo siguiente :
1. Que sí se reunió “con sus colaboradores cercanos (de Madrazo) y con un grupo de 10 gobernadores del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).”
2. Que sí pactaron mantener a Madrazo en tercer lugar--dice the cable to the PRI's votes were not the PRD.
3. And most telling: that through this strategy managed to retain the presidency of the Republic "even though our candidate (Calderon) was always down in the polls."
is, Espino supported by logic, which itself was a PAN fraud using the PRI - that is, they are allies - in 2006. Only then could "win" being down in the polls. Espino said
on Twitter: "False as the" compact "with Madrazo. I asked some q PRI vote. "
asked them how to vote if that was met with the governors? What is not assumed that the governors should NOT get on electoral matters because it is illegal? And where were going to get votes? Bought? Espino
what appears to admit is that he took part in electoral fraud in 2006. And that is called FRAUD.
better why AMLO 2012.
PS: I was in the Reform plants and I can say two things: 1. There was no one in Venezuela. 2. Manuel Espino was never there. And added that if Espinoza had been there, the press had seen and done a great scandal. But there was never a note of something as important as the fact that the leader of PAN, which had just made a voter fraud had been in camps for reform. Well, if the press had seen the camp Venezuelans had been a escandalazo. But there were none.
PD2: AMLO's response to the lies of Manuel Espino in 2006 can read it here. ---------
Related articles: Report
opening ballot boxes in Tlalpan (District # 5 July 2006) ( Link to shout.)
Video: Manuel Espino confesses that it was Fox who was determined to outrageous Obrador ( link to note).
Calderon is in power for a political agreement PRI ( link to note).
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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do not think that across the United States is rotten. I think there are many good and genuinely humanitarian and solidarity in this country. I also think it is because of that there are at least some free speech on cable TV in the U.S., that left-wing ideas in Mexico or the joke would appear on TV (or the pay) reach millions of people middle class.
has been the case with the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, a political commentator who has been promoted in recent days reason and measured speech.
But in Monday's edition May 2, Stewart forgot the discourse of civility and rejoiced in the death of Osama Bin Laden. What is a criminal? Yes, but a criminal backed for years who should have tried and jailed.
But no, the CIA found in Pakistan and gave a shot in the head and chest other ("Two shots? The second was of grace or wrath?)
only the White House had Bin Laden admitted that was not armed when they found the Marines and did not use a woman as a human shield. What resistance could oppose being disarmed? According to the White House resistance requires no firearms. " "Fists and shouts against guns?
Stewart "and thousands of Americans then rejoiced over the death of an unarmed man?
"But he planned the September 11," say many. But what justifies that EU will become the monster you were chasing?
top of that, part of the information used to kill Bin Laden was obtained under torture . EU Not trying to pull in the Middle East dictators for violating human rights?
Come on, I remember in the 90s when a news agency topped a story about the abuse of Mexican migrants by saying "in other news, torture in Mexico continues." You mean you already have permission to the PAN and the PRI to torture people under the guise of "national security"?
If what Osama bin Laden was seeking to destroy the goodness that might exist in the United States, this has been going around his Merte defintivamente he is succeeding.
Unfortunate, really. The American people do not deserve this. He does not deserve to lose their humanity to a terrorist. When you lose, Osama Bin Laden will have achieved its objective.
PD: OJO: I mean the American people. Their governments, as well as Mexico, have committed acts of barbarism many times throughout its history. But one thing is the government and other people. People are not to lose the humanity precisely so that the government incurs barbarism.
PD2: The Guardian announced that a cable WikiLeaks reveals that U.S. troops were within walking distance from the house of bin Laden in 2008. They were there to train the Pakistani military. ----------------
Related articles:
Fidel Castro: Bin Laden's death multiplied hatred against the United States ( La Jornada). Pakistani parliament condemns
U.S. attack that killed bin Laden ( La Jornada).
Sunday, May 1, 2011
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Saturday April 30, 2011
* After the House of Representatives ended the regular session without any arrangement, the former president will be concrete agreement ensures
* The members of the country's highest electoral body appointed by Diego Fernández, Felipe Calderón, Manlio Fabio Beltrones and Carlos Salinas, said
Andrés Manuel López Obrador said it is not surprising that new account is given the cancellation of the appointment of three directors of the Federal Electoral Institute because the electoral body is integrated from the interests of the parties and the members of the mafia in power.
"Instead of for consultants and independent citizens, the majority of the members of the IFE and Trife judges respond to the interests of groups, parties, the interests of the mafia power," said the legitimate president of Mexico to grant an interview to reporters at the end of the assembly information in Tlaxcala.
He said the Federal Electoral Institute's directors are appointed by Carlos Salinas, Diego Fernandez de Cevallos, Felipe Calderón, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, and therefore "have not reached agreement, but we are going to reach agreements, and will sit Salinas those who are now in disagreement and will align. "
On another matter, Lopez Obrador said that the candidate of the PRD, PT and Convergence, Alejandro Encinas, you can win statewide elections in Mexico.
During the informational meeting in Tlaxcala, Mexico's legitimate president said the country would not suffer another reality of economic, political and social as well as insecurity and violence, if he had not been won the Presidency of the Republic.
" would be another reality of our country, but the mafia of power and money, opposed the change that is urgently needed for Mexico " he added, saying that it can not continue with the regime of corruption, privilege, injustice that has so damaged millions of Mexicans.
recalled that in 2006 it was necessary to transform the country, but for example, the Business Coordinating Council did not want the change and launched a campaign to scare people, where it ran spots that closed the curtains of business , and would be chaos, unemployment, capital flight and "Everything is happening at the lack of change."
evaluated that the current economic crisis, political and social suffering Mexicans is because the predominant group, is a mafia of power that has been engaged in plundering the country and to concentrate huge fortunes.
Given the current national tragedy, he said, was canceled the future of millions of Mexicans lack of economic growth and the failure to create jobs, not welfare, as well as young people are losing their lives for "the stupid war against Calderon drug trafficking. "
need the rebirth of the country and this requires putting aside the oligarchy for the establishment of true democracy, curb the looting pit and goods of the nation are distributed fairly, reach everyone.
said that to address the insecurity and violence that is recorded in the national territory is essential to resolve the problem with justice, social welfare, provide opportunities for work and study to young people "and what is not being done" .
argued that the oligarchy thinks the problem with uncertainty can be resolved through coercive measures, meet evil with evil, violence with violence.
assured that you can save Mexico from the field out of neglect, apoyar a las pequeñas y medianas empresas, impulsar el sector energético para bajar los precios de las gasolinas, el diesel, gas y la luz.
Para mañana, el presidente legítimo de México se reunirá mañana con los habitantes de Chilpancingo, Guerrero y Cuernavaca, Morelos. (Enlace a nota en la página de la Presidencia Legítima ).
Por esto y mucho mas es un honor estar con Obrador y luchar por la nación.
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------------------ Related articles:
The evidence of fraud with apples ( link to note).
Calderon is in power for a political agreement PRI ( link to note).
Video: Manuel Espino confesses that it was Fox who was determined to outrageous Obrador ( link to note). ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
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video is great. It proves once again that Obrador was right when he said that the supreme court was pure screen and it was all a rough plan to keep the part in the race.
Cause I've never even suggested the governor pretty outrageous? or Estrada Cajigal? Similarly
Fox threw himself into the election and use all the power of the state and the media against Obrador.
was a state election. Fox is a traitor to democracy. ------------------
Related articles:
The evidence of fraud with apples ( link to note).
Calderon is in power for a political agreement PRI ( link to note). Report
opening ballot boxes in Tlalpan (District # 5 July 2006) (link to note ). ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
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Mexico City .- The Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) warned that if President Felipe Calderón traveled to the Vatican to participate in the ceremony where beatify John Paul II, the Executive violate the principle of secular state in the Constitution referred to .
Jesus Zambrano, national president of the PRD, said that President Calderon can not attend a religious ceremony of this kind, "or what to do" because the Mexican government is obliged to treat all religious organizations alike, from the perspective of fairness.
"If Calderon goes to the beatification of Mr. Wojtyla, would also go to the procedures sanctifying of Muslims, the evangelists, and all religious groups who would not supply", said the Sonoran.
settled that the PRD, as an entity of public interest has always been driven by legal channels has been a staunch advocate of a secular state claiming freedom of religion and belief in our country , and therefore, the powers State are also required to make a difference.
warned that if the chief executive attending the religious event the first of May, will fragrantly violating Article 130 of the Constitution and Article 24 which establishes freedom of everyone to profess the religion he wants. -----------------
Related articles:
violation and Calderon's visit the Vatican ( News MVS). Calderón
presence beatification of John Paul II in Rome (Televisa News ).
Calderón at the Vatican ( El Universal ). Felipe Calderón
Invites Benedict XVI to visit Mexico (La Jornada ). Calderón
violated the law by going to the Vatican (Column SDP / Cavazos ).
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![]() |
While cases of abuse by Maciel arrived at the Vatican in the 90, Pope John Paul II did not respond victims. Photo / Special |
The document was addressed to the father Arcadio Larraona, secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Religious, Miranda noted that "in this whole affair did not move anything but a sincere desire to see the spiritual good of the nascent religious congregation but I judge that immediate action is needed in the SC of Religious, to avoid greater problems later.
"The main objections of these claims arising against Father Maciel ... are reduced to three: Sextum offenses against children committed to the congregation; habit of injecting narcotics, which has degenerated into vice difficult to cure, and devious means, especially lying, to achieve the purposes proposed.
Remember that Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, was accused of molesting the 50's at least nine seminarians.
Although the complaint came to the Vatican in the 90's, the Pope John Paul II did not respond to the victims. It was in 2006 that Benedict XVI castigated the priest and ordered him to renounce all public ministry.
According to the newspaper Reforma, the historic letter released by Jose Barba, a victim of Maciel and former priest Alberto Athié than the investigator Fernando M. Gonzalez said that Father Luis Ferreira, vicar of the congregation and the brother Federico Dominguez, who was secretary of Maciel, "driven by concerns of conscience easy to understand proven priests consulted with caution, which taxed the conscience of these people manifest to the competent ecclesiastical authorities what they knew for sure about the life of Father Maciel. Thus appealed first to the bishop of Cuernavaca (then Sergio Mendez Arceo), Diocese to which he belonged Maciel, and then to me, not making accusations but to comply with a duty of conscience. "
then, Miranda called for urgent action, but admitted it was difficult to proceed because" by one hand, Father Maciel has many friends among members of various Roman Congregations (to the extent that at times has said he is aware of issues that are under secret of the Holy Office) and strong support from the Cardinal Micara Excellency. "
Maciel also found out if the accusations "will not be difficult to persuade their religious congregation to declare against their conscience, is something known as the extraordinary power of persuasion that is provided, "the document.
Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, was accused of molesting the 50's at least nine seminarians. The complaint came to the Vatican in the 90's, but then Pope John Paul II did not respond to the victims, but in 2006 Benedict XVI castigated the priest and ordered him to renounce all public ministry.
Another letter which was also referred to a report revealed the father Gregorio Lemercier of the Diocese of Cuernavaca, Prior of the Monastery of the Resurrection, who discloses conversations with former Secretary of Maciel, Father Federico Dominguez and also with the father Luis Ferreira.
The letter advises that Maciel took up to 40 injections of drugs in one day.
Maciel "loses its meaning (apparently) very often. He was in two nursing homes. In Havana, where he immediately managed to get their injections with the help of two of her sisters, all three had to rush out of Cuba because the police realized and walked behind them, "he stated.
The letters arrived at the Vatican in 1959 claimed that Maciel practiced "sodomy" and estimated that at least ten members of the congregation had been victims.
Reform With information ----------------
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-------- -----
Related articles:
on evidence that John Paul "knew that Maciel was a criminal (3rd Sector ).
Vatican institution and complicity fiction: ex Legionaries of Christ (Millennium ). Marcial Maciel was
congregation of female slaves ( Hispanosnet ). Juan Pablo II
covered up the crimes of Marcial Maciel ( Women More ). ---------------
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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Mexico City .- Amnesty International (AI) expressed its public rejection of the proposed National Security Act which is discussed in the Chamber of Deputies, saying that, if approved in its terms, would weaken the protection human rights.
Introducing a position on the issue, the Mexico Chapter of Amnesty International considers that the document would legalize the increase of individual rights violations and impunity.
argues that in particular would authorize the armed forces develop the functions of civil authority, through figures such as the "statement of involvement of internal security."
Among them, precisely, would legally armed forces to carry out arrests, searches, roadblocks set up to intervene and make communications intelligence work.
"The military are not designed or trained to perform these functions with full respect for human rights, warns Amnesty International, saying the risk involved in the Army formally take over these tasks.
The agency recalled that some time has asked the military authorities leave the police work that de facto made since we began six years, precisely because the risks for people's human rights.
contrast, requires that civil authorities are trained in police and law enforcement, but especially the use of force, when necessary, also entails respect for individual rights regardless of any committing crimes that come to anyone.
According to Amnesty International, the National Security Law should focus on ensuring an adequate fight against crime and widespread access to swift justice, transparent and balanced for all standards international respect for individual rights. ------------------
Related articles:
Rejects Amnesty International proposed National Security Act (Millennium ). Mexican government asks
deputies approve controversial National Security Law ( Voice) (Terra ).
National Security Act will not protect DH in Mexico: AI ( Radio Formula ). Initiative
national security "seriously weaken" the DH: AI ( La Jornada). Increase
Security Act violations: AI ( El Universal ).
NSL not protect human rights in Mexico ( Amnesty Int.) ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
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SDPNoticias Writing. 30/03/2011 16:07:00
Mexico City - The PAN candidate for governor of the State of Mexico, Luis Felipe Bravo Mena, is a prominent right-wing activist organization El Yunque, the magazine gave to concentrate process in an article by journalist Alvaro Delgado.
This would mean that the materialisation of the PAN-PRD alliance, led by New Left, with Bravo Mena as a candidate, the PRD would be asking for support to a member of El Yunque.
Bravo Mena was national leader of the PAN when Vicente Fox won Mexico's presidency. Then it was Mexico's ambassador to the Vatican, and until three months ago secretary of Felipe Calderón.
Bravo Mena is remembered for referring to Andrés Manuel López Obrador as "apprentice dictator messianic" in 2004.
The day after that statement, López Obrador Bravo Mena said, identifying him as one of the authors of the campaign against him.
"Many of those involved in this are precisely that right-wing sect called El Yunque, which belongs to Mr. Bravo Mena, many of them are the organizers of this campaign, "said the then head of government.
Bravo Mena was a member of the Anvil by Guillermo Velasco Arzac, alias "Xenophon, when Velasco Arzac was head of the anvil in Guanajuato, being present at secret meetings of this organization, documents Alvaro Delgado.
"A training courses attended Luis Felipe Bravo Mena and Elias Villegas," says a former member of Anvil Aaron Soto, Delgado reports.
Bravo Mena's affiliation to the Yunque would have been at the home of the current PAN Senator Ramón Muñoz Gutiérrez who uses the alias "Julio Vértiz" and former head of the Office of Innovation Government of President Vicente Fox
In fact, Manuel Díaz Cid, a member of El Yunque, revealed that Luis Felipe Bravo Mena was president of that organization, a position he also occupied Manuel Espino and Cesar Nava.
also reveals that he has been more akin to the Anvil has been Bravo Mena. -------------
Related articles:
yunquista PAN Presents Bravo Mena as his letter to the State of Mexico ( Process). ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for nation.
Blotchy Hands And Tingling
Andrea Becerril and Victor Ballinas
La Jornada / Posted: 26/04/2011 11:03
Mexico City. President Felipe Calderon notified the Senate that the country will be absent from April 28 to May 1 in order to make a state visit to Peru and the Vatican State, in order to participate in the ceremony of beatification of John Paul II in the Vatican.
Document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs referred to the legislative body, argued that the presence of Calderon in this last act will "help to endorse the ties between Mexico and a State which for nearly two decades has diplomatic relations constructive and respectful, and where institutions are important for a wide sector of the Mexican population ".
also be noted that the participation of the President "in this solemn ceremony of the Vatican, on 1 May in St Peter's Square Vatican City," will reaffirm the presence of Mexico in a plural event which will be represented at the highest level several nations, both secular and those who have a religion official. "
The Foreign Ministry noted that over 26 years of his pontificate, John Paul II remained a close and special relationship with the people of Mexico. "
also reported that 27 and 28 of this month Calderon will be in Peru to make a state visit to that country and participate in a meeting with President Alan Garcia and the presidents of Chile and Colombia, order to shape the area of \u200b\u200bdeep integration between the three nations. ---------------
Video related:
President Calderón preaching as an evangelical pastor ( Yunqueland .) ----------------
Related articles:
El Yunque, covert group within the government (and Free Thinker ). Luis Felipe Bravo Mena
is member of the Anvil: Process (SDP ). PAN presents yunquista
Bravo Mena as his letter to the State of Mexico ( Process). ----------------
Posted by Patricia:
President Sarkozy declined (or declined) the invitation to the ceremony as lawmakers French secularism noted the government and that his visit would be violating that principle, which should be applied to the President Calderon! .. No permission Calderon's visit to Vatican, first to solve the murders of women in Juarez, the ABC's children, killed in Temixco, Marisela, ruby, Susan, and after you go to home descansar.Sicilia President, Independent Candidate, No more blood, more justice, less forgotten.
For What? Posted by Carlos
: Will
PEDERAST ceremony MORE? Strengthen
vinculoscon mercenaries from the FE?
they stay there ....
Q 'disgusting ...
do want to ...! Posted by NN
Truly, what desire to justify the unjustifiable. There is no reasonable argument to justify the visit! It is a matter of faith and matters of faith are in a secular state, personal matters.
Monday, April 25, 2011
How To Build A Buggy On
Ernesto Canales, lawyer for Paula Cussi, the last wife of the owner of Televisa, Emilio Azcarraga Milmo, "charged that between ten and twelve of the television, now in command of the son of "El Tigre", Emilio Azcarraga Jean, "kidnapped" his client when both were preparing to enter the High Court of Justice of Mexico City, where they attended the party held to demand the rightful inheritance considered .
"So far we know nothing of it ... takes three hours disappeared, "he said.
"They say that it is or will be transferred to the prison of Santa Marta Acatitla, do you have any information? - He asked.
"Well I'm here (in Santa Marta), waiting for some news ..." he confided. In a telephone interview, Canales recognized at least three colleagues in Televisa, including Alberto Aguilar, Alejandro Bustos Fernando Hegebich, who said as part of the group that jerk the Cussi lady and him in his attempt to enter the court for a hearing on the estate to which were invited.
Cussi's lawyer said the others "appeared to police" but never identify themselves or show a warrant and be limited to the former wife of Azcarraga Milmo force.
At 1 pm that gave the interview, Ernesto Canales is hoping to soon have some information from the lady.
regard, the attorney stated that Paula Cussi and spoke with the president of the TSDF, Edgar Elías Azar, who said he is "outraged" that the fact occurred in the courthouse.
other hand, said that so far the Attorney capital, Miguel Angel Mancera, has not made the call as is supposed to accompany the head of government in Mexico City, Marcelo Ebrard.
Of course, he said, and contacted the Attorney General's private secretary, who said he is working on the case. ----------------------
Related articles:
Paula Cussi arrested, the last wife of Emilio Azcarraga Milmo ( Process). Azcarraga
against Cussi: a tortuous litigation ( Process). Arrested
Paula Cusi, former wife of Azcarraga Milmo ( El Universal ). ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.
Leather Horse Bracelet

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sims 3 World Adventures Helmi Hosni
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Lutheran Online Bible
* apparently seeks to impose forced reduction of violence: Stratfor consulting
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In an undated photo released on Jan. 18, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, leader of the Sinaloa cartel (left) poses with an unidentified man. Reuters Photo |
Gustavo Castillo García
Newspaper La Jornada
Friday 22 April 2011, p. 2
The priority of President Felipe Calderon is to "reduce violence, not the elimination of cartels," the global security consultancy Stratfor American home in Mexican drug war report 2011.
Holds: apparently, the Mexican government has decided that the best course of action in this environment (unsafe) is waging a war of attrition in which the Sinaloa cartel assume the dominant position in the country, which would impose a forced reduction of violence by criminal groups and that the organization headed by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera is used to refer to bands weak.
According to the report, "while internal struggles and external pressures that made the authorities with their operations have weakened all cartels, the Sinaloa has proved immune to the crisis and is growing." For the consulting
U.S. in the first quarter of this year's "widespread violence in Mexico continues to grow and" drug cartels fighting for control of ports of entry to the United States, as well as the places considered strategic in the interior of Mexico, such as road crossings in areas such as Ciudad Victoria, San Luis Potosi, Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Durango, Torreon, Saltillo and Chihuahua, as some of these points are vital routes linking the country from north to south along the coast.
Others have a strategic value because they are located on major roads that serve as direct routes into the country from different parts of the Pacific coast to the ports of entry at the border of Texas, and routes are very close in border areas such as Ciudad Juarez and Matamoros. For
criminal groups, Stratfor believes that the Gulf Cartel, "with the help of Sinaloa, has rejected offensive Los Zetas in the cities of Matamoros and Reynosa, but has not shown the necessary strength to lift their former allies of Monterrey, capital of Nuevo León, despite that the Zetas have lost 11 of its leaders and higher levels in the square. "
As regards the Juarez cartel, indicates that the group led by Vicente Carrillo Fuentes is managing to keep at bay the forces of Sinaloa in Juarez, but has lost its peripheral areas in the state of Chihuahua, as well as online main supply of drugs (precursors) of the capital of the entity.
also effective blockade of Sinaloa to Juarez has begun to strangle the flow of income, and "other criminal gang, a shadow falling of itself, is that of the Arellano Felix (also known as the Tijuana cartel), "and believes that this organization is now subject to the Sinaloa and pays for the right of access to California ports of entry.
The report also refers to groups that emerged from the band of the Beltran Leyva, known today as cartels South Pacific (CPS) and Independent Acapulco (Cida), which states that are fighting each other for control of port Guerrero. But the CPS is the most successful of the two, as it extends its territorial control of the state of Guerrero to the north of the country by the Pacific Ocean to the state of Sonora, although these smuggling corridors are regularly played with Sinaloa.
to Stratfor, the cartel of La Familia Michoacana, or the Knights Templar, as now known, depends on Guzmán Loera to restore its aging infrastructure and smuggling routes.
Instead, the Sinaloa cartel is seen by the U.S. consultancy as the regional hegemon in the western half of Mexico, and as the group is actively expanding its territory.
The report states that the Sinaloa cartel is supporting the Gulf in its fight against Los Zetas, and slowly strangling Juarez, carrying the baton in Tijuana and battle for supremacy in Acapulco (...) in all cases, the Sinaloa is gaining territory.
"Over the next three to six months, Stratfor expects the Sinaloa gang that controls become Acapulco and Durango.
"Stratfor anticipates an even higher level of violence in Juarez as part of the Sinaloa cartel's stranglehold on the organization of Vicente Carrillo, and hope to see a boost of Los Zetas to regain control of Reynosa, where the Gulf cartel lose your domain if the group sent fighters El Chapo there to fight elsewhere.
"is likely to remain Monterrey Los Zetas the short term, in the absence of a major government offensive or of a massive effort by the Gulf Cartel and Sinaloa. "
Given the violence exercised by Los Zetas and the disputed areas of the Gulf cartel, the consultancy believes it is likely to see more unauthorized transactions, such as that conducted by the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE for short English) and shootings in the area of \u200b\u200bFalcon Lake.
Meanwhile, "the Sinaloa remains the largest and most consistent of the Mexican cartels. Under the direction of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera, has continued to make inroads into the territories of other criminal groups, friends and foes alike. This expansion has seen Durango, Guerrero (particularly Acapulco, the seaport of life) and Michoacan and Mexico City. Because it has remained a cohesive organization and maintains very diversified income-from drugs to avocados, "this is the criminal group that will benefit most from the chaos throughout Mexico." -----------
Related articles:
"Shorty" is immune from Calderon's war reveals Stratfor ( Process). ----------------
report is not to lose objectivity Acastrog
The information comes not from La Jornada, but the global security consultancy, Stratfor U.S. in Mexican drug war report 2011. Other newspapers do not report it and it's certainly information that reveals some of the complications that we knew it FECAL with Chapo, but do not want to see is something else. Well then let us covering our eyes to not do anything or even speak or think, or worse, fool you are doing a lot with our resources that could be applied to where I really needed ... intenciiones either by concealing information, provechito! Joaquin
is an extraction of the report and Stratfor is a very important reference analysis and decision making for many governments and transnational world, read the book "drug lords" for you to learn a little more. Greetings.
A wise
as the saying goes "a good etendedor few words" and "what is not deemed" those who have fallen poster chapo guzman? all criminals are gripping the other posters. not blind sr. forista. this day remains "the best of the best, the mjor.
obviously protects Chapo Calderon, the president seeks to end organized crime only seeks to create a monopoly of it and perhaps they more control, it is true that crime does not work without the complicity of authorities, it is regrettable that the army is used for a particular purpose, because the chapo question is the one?. Everything he says is bogus lie struggle that only the innocent Mexicans have fallen Period in collateral damage. ---------------------
For this and much more is an honor to be with Obrador and fight for the nation.